Monthly Archives: November 2010

Baby ba ba!!!


I went to the store to buy formula for Maliyah, and I saw the same formula she drinks, but now you can buy it with Vanilla flavoured taste. Now, I like to think that im not a judgemental person, but who am i kidding, I am. Its human nature!
and thats the whole reason why i got a Blog in the first place. i have a opinion  !  ;o)

Anyways, It made me so mad, to see that.
We live in a society , where overweigt is a big problem, also among children.  YOUNG children. and what we put in their bodies the first year is so important. for their growth, for all their organs!
So why on earth would you get your child used to eating something so sweet. when they have no idea that there is something that taste so sweet to begin with..
Good luck getting your child to drink a regular glas of milk 3 years from now…
Who’s idea was that in the first place anyways???

Heathy babies = happy babies!

My favorite Friend


Every now and then i get hit with a little glimpse of how much Asia has grown, and i get reminded that she is no longer my little baby!  She is a BIG sister, and with that comes responsibilities and expectations. she has to set a good example for her sisters to follow. But she is only 3, but so grown, so i often catch my self expecting more of her because she is a big sister, but i have to remember that she is only 3! ! !
She has started kindergarten, and she is learning german. But more than anything she has found a good friend! She is boulding a friendship with someone, and she really cares for him, she worries when he is not in school, she talks about him at home and she thinks about him when we are out foodshopping, mommy maybe Tre like this.. ??
I asked her they other day, Asia what is your favorite color, she said PINK is my favorite, i asked her what about your favorite animal, she screamed out a horse, and when i asked her who is your favorite friend, she smiled and said TRE!

My little big girl is growing up!
I think Friendships between kids are just as important as between adults, they learn so much from eachother

They learn different ways to relate to a range of relationships; take and give, compromise and share. Friendships teach them how to establish guidelines, make decisions and solve problems. Within these relationships they experience aggression, anger, fear, rejection and even betrayal. They learn appropriate social behavior, how to become a leader, how to follow, fairness and how to win and lose gracefully.
So its so important for them to build friendships, and watching Asia and Tre from outside just tickles me so much.
They act like an old couple, but  they play and fight like siblings!

When i picked Asia up from daycare the other day, she looked at me, and before she even greeted me she hurried up and asked, mommy can Tre come and play at our house…
That just melted my heart, she asked for her first play date, i couldnt believe it! i wanted to cry…

My little big girl is growing up…

Asia and Try at the game watching their daddies!

Halloween fun



This year was the first year that we celebrated Halloween with a party, when Asia was about 2 years old, we whent trick or treating in our building in japan, but we never had a party.  So this was the first  time for us to celebrate it, let alone host it. but we had so much fun, and i cant wait for next year. ( and then ill be more prepared)
the girls and I had fun decorating, dressing up and enjoyed the company of our friends.
The kids had a ball running from house to house, receiving candy and being outside at night !
halloweem funwelcome drink for the adults = sirup with red food coloring!

Asia and Naomi helping me bake cupcakes for the party

we put alot of fake spiderweb up around the house with fake huge spiders in it, the girls got a big kick outta that!

bye bye nasty colds


The last few weeks, we have all been taking turns in being sick.
Its really impossible with a house full of kids that are in 2 different daycare = double germs, not to get sick this time of the year.
Asia started with having scarlans  fever  and strep throats, then Naomi had a cold and then Asia and Maliyah both had a virus is their throats.
so i hope that we are finally done with sickness for this time, fingers crossed!!